What is the squirting orgasm and how do I do it?

What is the squirting orgasm and how do I do it?

What is squirting? 

Ah the age old debate. Squirting has become such a controversial topic among sexual health experts that it’s no wonder most of us are confused over what it is! Recently, I’ve been taking part in The Squirt Diaries in HERintimacy, where I investigate my own squirting and see what I can come up with! So, firstly,


Where does the squirt come from? 

My husband, being the only person who has and can make me squirt (I’m trying to myself and not getting anywhere!), was adamant it came from the Urethra. I was like surely not! If it’s not urine (which I thought) then how could it?! Well, turns out he was right… but don’t tell him that. 

There are three phenomena that can occur during sexual arousal and this is where we’re all getting confused. 

Squirting (AKA gushing)

An amount of clear fluid ‘squirts’ out of the urethra directly from the bladder during sexual stimulation. Substance: Diluted urine (Pastor et al. 2022)

Female Ejaculation

A thicker, whiter liquid that is excreted from the Skene’s glands that sit either side of the Urethra tube. Substance contains: prostatic-specific antigen (PSA) (Rodriguez et al. 2020)

Arousal Incontinence

The inability to control bladder flow during sexual activity. Substance: urine. (you should see a doctor for this one!)

What we do know:

It all comes from the urethra opening. Although, it’s also the case that discharge and natural vaginal lubricant can be present at the opening of the vagina giving ‘the look of’ some sort of vaginal cum. Research conducted by Salama et al. suggests that the squirting straight out of the bladder, the ‘diluted urine’ above, also contains PSA like with female ejaculation (2014). PSA or prostatic-specific antigen is secreted by people with a penis via the prostate glands. So I’m thinking that although obviously, the ejaculation from the Skene’s glands and the expulsion of the fluid in the bladder are two separate phenomena, surely they could possibly happen at the same time and thus create the squirt orgasm that we all know and love, right?! And that’s exactly what a review of research conducted by Pastor et al, found (2022). What isn’t clear is whether or not these two things ALWAYS happen at the same time. 

What is definitely clear is that now we’re all coming round to the fact that women like to have sex for pleasure too, more research needs to be conducted! I’m pretty sure lots of humans with a vulva would be happy to volunteer! That’s the other thing too, ‘female ejaculation’ is an outdated term because some humans who own a vulva do not identify as female! Vulva ejaculation seems more fitting, I think. But then I’m just here for the squirting….

How do we squirt then? 

You know, all of this information is all well and good but not ALL of us with vulva's squirt or ejaculate anyway (or maybe they do and you need to have fun trying a bit more!). Our bodies experience pleasure in so many different ways and all the sensations feel so different to us all that we should definitely just enjoy exploring our sexuality! 

For me, it feels like an enormous pressure build up through simultaneous penetration and clitoral stimulation, and then a massive release that feels just like relief rather than the sort of orgasm I get from clitoral stimulation (which I much prefer!). It definitely comes from the stimulation of the g-spot as I don't have the same experience with just clitoral stimulation. You can stimulate the g-spot (the urethral sponge that surrounds the urethra tube), by using a 'come hither' motion inside the vagina. It tends to be ALOT too, we definitely use water-proof sheets and a towel! But some women report just a little trickle- you do you boo! However you experience pleasure is VALID. 

Unless it’s illegal. Then you should seek some help. 


If you have a vulva and you’d like to speak to other vulva owners about your pleasure, take a look at HERintimacy where you get access to:

Pleasure Demonstrations

Learn techniques for clitoral play, penetrative play, foreplay, sex toys and so much more!

Me touching up fruit is not as seedy as it sounds, honest. 

Pleasure Interviews

One of the best things about my job as a podcast host (Vulva Stories with Vicky Crone), is that as well as the public interview I do with my guests, I also rope them into a private pleasure interview for HERintimacy. You get access to all these interviews so you can hear from real life people about their pleasure! 

Pleasure Challenges

Every month I set us a pleasure challenge. This months, for example, was to watch a porn film, one that we discussed was suitable, and then report our findings. It’s super great fun! 

Online Meets

Twice per month we get together to discuss all our pleasure experiences and questions! These conversations are invaluable when you’re feeling shame or experiencing low self-esteem when it comes to sex. 


Read real life sex confessions on hot topics as well as short erotic stories created from these very confessions! Erotic literature at it's finest.

Product discounts

As well as all that yumminess of course I’m going to give you first access to products and discounts at Cherrisilk!! 

Does this sound like a bit of you?! Check it out here: HERintimacy

Until then though, let us know in the comments below about your squirting experiences. I’d love to know!

Stay wet ‘n’ wild!

Vicky x


P.S. If you're looking for erotic content to help you with your squirt adventures, make sure it's ethically produced adult content. Make sure it's LUSTCINEMA.







Clinical Anatomy, 2020. Wiley Online Library. Accessed date: 16th April 2024. [Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ca.23654] 

Clinical Anatomy, 2022. Wiley Online Library. Accessed date: 16th April 2024. [Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ca.23879]

The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2014. Wiley Online Library. Accessed Date: 16th April 2024. [Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jsm.12799]

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